5.1.7. nvector.objects.FrameE

class FrameE(a=None, f=None, name='WGS84', axes='e')[source]

Earth-fixed frame

a: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.

Semi-major axis of the Earth ellipsoid given in [m].

f: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.

Flattening [no unit] of the Earth ellipsoid. If f==0 then spherical Earth with radius a is used in stead of WGS-84.

name: string

defining the default ellipsoid.

axes: ‘e’ or ‘E’

defines axes orientation of E frame. Default is axes=’e’ which means that the orientation of the axis is such that: z-axis -> North Pole, x-axis -> Latitude=Longitude=0.

See also

FrameN, FrameL, FrameB


The frame is Earth-fixed (rotates and moves with the Earth) where the origin coincides with Earth’s centre (geometrical centre of ellipsoid model).

__init__(a=None, f=None, name='WGS84', axes='e')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


ECEFvector(*args, **kwds)

Geographical position given as cartesian position vector in frame E

GeoPoint(*args, **kwds)

Geographical position given as latitude, longitude, depth in frame E.

Nvector(*args, **kwds)

Geographical position given as n-vector and depth in frame E

__init__([a, f, name, axes])

Initialize self.

direct(lat_a, lon_a, azimuth, distance[, z, …])

Returns position B computed from position A, distance and azimuth.

inverse(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b[, z, …])

Returns ellipsoidal distance between positions as well as the direction.



Rotation matrix R_Ee defining the axes of the coordinate frame E