nvector package

Geodesic functions

closest_point_on_great_circle(path, n_EB_E) Returns closest point C on great circle path A to position B.
cross_track_distance(path, n_EB_E[, method, …]) Returns cross track distance between path A and position B.
euclidean_distance(n_EA_E, n_EB_E[, radius]) Returns Euclidean distance between positions A and B
great_circle_distance(n_EA_E, n_EB_E[, radius]) Returns great circle distance between positions A and B
intersect(path_a, path_b) Returns the intersection(s) between the great circles of the two paths
lat_lon2n_E(latitude, longitude[, R_Ee]) Converts latitude and longitude to n-vector.
mean_horizontal_position(n_EB_E) Returns the n-vector of the horizontal mean position.
n_E2lat_lon(n_E[, R_Ee]) Converts n-vector to latitude and longitude.
n_EB_E2p_EB_E(n_EB_E[, depth, a, f, R_Ee]) Converts n-vector to Cartesian position vector in meters.
p_EB_E2n_EB_E(p_EB_E[, a, f, R_Ee]) Converts Cartesian position vector in meters to n-vector.
n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E(n_EA_E, n_EB_E[, …]) Returns the delta vector from position A to B decomposed in E.
n_EA_E_and_p_AB_E2n_EB_E(n_EA_E, p_AB_E[, …]) Returns position B from position A and delta.
n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2azimuth(n_EA_E, n_EB_E[, …]) Returns azimuth from A to B, relative to North:
n_EA_E_distance_and_azimuth2n_EB_E(n_EA_E, …) Returns position B from azimuth and distance from position A
on_great_circle(path, n_EB_E[, radius, atol]) True if position B is on great circle through path A.
on_great_circle_path(path, n_EB_E[, radius, …]) True if position B is on great circle and between endpoints of path A.

Rotation matrices and angles

E_rotation([axes]) Returns rotation matrix R_Ee defining the axes of the coordinate frame E.
n_E2R_EN(n_E[, R_Ee]) Returns the rotation matrix R_EN from n-vector.
n_E_and_wa2R_EL(n_E, wander_azimuth[, R_Ee]) Returns rotation matrix R_EL from n-vector and wander azimuth angle.
R_EL2n_E(R_EL) Returns n-vector from the rotation matrix R_EL.
R_EN2n_E(R_EN) Returns n-vector from the rotation matrix R_EN.
R2xyz(R_AB) Returns the angles about new axes in the xyz-order from a rotation matrix.
R2zyx(R_AB) Returns the angles about new axes in the zxy-order from a rotation matrix.
xyz2R(x, y, z) Returns rotation matrix from 3 angles about new axes in the xyz-order.
zyx2R(z, y, x) Returns rotation matrix from 3 angles about new axes in the zyx-order.

Misc functions

deg(\*rad_angles) Converts angle in radians to degrees.
mdot(a, b) Returns multiple matrix multiplications of two arrays
nthroot(x, n) Returns the n’th root of x to machine precision
rad(\*deg_angles) Converts angle in degrees to radians.
select_ellipsoid(name) Returns semi-major axis (a), flattening (f) and name of ellipsoid
unit(vector[, norm_zero_vector]) Convert input vector to a vector of unit length.

OO interface to Geodesic functions

delta_E(point_a, point_b) Returns cartesian delta vector from positions a to b decomposed in E.
delta_N(point_a, point_b) Returns cartesian delta vector from positions a to b decomposed in N.
delta_L(point_a, point_b[, wander_azimuth]) Returns cartesian delta vector from positions a to b decomposed in L.
diff_positions(\*args, \*\*kwds) diff_positions is deprecated!
ECEFvector(pvector[, frame, scalar]) Geographical position given as Cartesian position vector in frame E
FrameB(position[, yaw, pitch, roll, degrees]) Body frame
FrameE([a, f, name, axes]) Earth-fixed frame
FrameN(position) North-East-Down frame
FrameL(position[, wander_azimuth]) Local level, Wander azimuth frame
GeoPoint(latitude, longitude[, z, frame, …]) Geographical position given as latitude, longitude, depth in frame E.
GeoPath(point_a, point_b) Geographical path between two positions in Frame E
Nvector(normal[, z, frame]) Geographical position given as n-vector and depth in frame E
Pvector(pvector, frame[, scalar]) Cartesian position vector in relative to a frame.